Spiritual Awakening

Co-Creative Support on Your Spiritual Journey

If you’re just starting your journey, you may have a lot of questions. Some have mystical experiences and they don’t have anyone to talk with about it. Some want to know how to dive in further and get clarity. Some want to learn how to begin to use these tools and to integrate these new aspects in a grounded way. With the aid of intuitive channeled downloads with my guides, your guides, and other helpful entities, I translate what intel I receive and work with you co-creatively to understand the messages. 

If you are well into your path, you may want to further explore non-duality and the state of Samadhi. Here we can dive into what led you here, what your purpose is, and what you’re going to do with it. We can discuss your interest in guiding others, participating in community, and expanding on your work in reaching divine consciousness.

Schedule a Session


If you are just getting started on your Spiritual Awakening, we will focus on transferring Knowledge, techniques, and understanding what it all means.

Continuing the Path

If you are familiar with this work and seek ongoing Inspiration, Clarity and Guidance, we work on connecting you to your natural gifts and raising vibration.


For those well into the path, we focus on continuing towards divine consciousness, confirming and applying your Self towards your purpose and community.


Healing or intuitive channeling is the practice of connecting to your spiritual energy, removing blockages, and transmuting negativity into light.

Each session can be focused on a specific area, and will generally include a personalized blend of these Intentions:

Energy Healing

Restore Vitality and Clear Energy Blockages across Mind, Body & Soul.

Intuitive Guidance

Metaphysical Exploration and Insights for Understanding of Universal Self.

Spiritual Awakening

Healing and Alignment for Seekers journeying along the Spiritual Path.