How it Works

Getting Started

At the start of the experience, we will do an intentions intake. I’ll be curious to know what inspired you to seek energy healing. Did you want to just have an experience and to simply Be, or were you looking to focus on a specific area, an intention, or are there a blend of reasons?

Connecting to the Energy Within

As you lay down and breathe, I will seek and connect with your soul energy, in order to assess and heal where needed. I work with all of my tools as guided: various modalities, crystals, sound healing, aromatherapy, a copper pyramid, and intuitive channeling within your set timeframe.

Channel Messages & Receive Insights

I will connect with your essence and channel divine source energy. I receive messages relevant to your soul journey and situation, and direct my focus towards the intentions of our session. I take note of encounters with any prior incarnations, spirit guides, and ancestors.

Healing & Intuitive Channeling

I go through the entire chakra system to see if there are any blockages that could be cleared. I will transmute negative energies wherever I find them, and record the symbols, guides, or memories that are presented to me. After the session, we can choose to discuss the experience.

Sessions are Uniquely Personalized For You

Manifest Your Intentions in a Co-Creative Environment

As you relax, I will connect with your energy field, accessing and healing chakras as I find blockages. Longer sessions allow for more sense making of the experience, guidance and actionable coaching. We will maintain a casual & comfortable environment, focusing on clearing energy blockages, seeking intuitions and channeling messages.

During a Healing Treatment, you will be clothed and laying down comfortably. (If you are remote, find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.) I will prepare my tools as guided across various modalities, including crystals, sound healing, aromatherapy, and a copper pyramid. Intuitive channeling will be applied remotely or in person throughout your session.


Healing or intuitive channeling is the practice of connecting to your spiritual energy, removing blockages, and transmuting negativity into light.

Each session can be focused on a specific area, and will generally include a personalized blend of these Intentions:

Energy Healing

Restore Vitality and Clear Energy Blockages across Mind, Body & Soul.

Intuitive Guidance

Metaphysical Exploration and Insights for Understanding of Universal Self.

Spiritual Awakening

Healing and Alignment for Seekers journeying along the Spiritual Path.

Creating Space to Reflect & Remember

Cosmic Intuition focuses on the connection between our internal and external Selves. Together, we will balance the mind, clear distractions, and make room for recollection.