Healing Services


At the start of the experience we will do an intake. I’ll be curious to know what inspired you to seek energy healing. Did you want to just have an experience and to simply Be, or were you looking to focus on a specific area, an intention, or are there a blend of reasons?

All Healing Sessions are uniquely personalized for you. I work with all my tools as guided across various modalities, crystals, sound healing, aromatherapy, my copper pyramid, and intuitive channeling within your set timeframe. Longer sessions allow for more sense making of the experience, guidance and actionable coaching.

What to expect? 

A casual & comfortable environment, clearing of energy blockages, intuitions and messages being channeled, likely some inspiration.​ Follow on sessions can explore and build upon previous sessions. We can work together to decide what makes sense if you would like to explore more in-depth. The services in each session fluctuate depending on need. These primarily include a personalized blend of Energy Healing, Spiritual Awakening, and Intuitive Guidance.

Single Sessions

Single Sessions are great for explorers seeking energy healing and further clarity. Full hourly sessions include downloads, insights and coaching as guided. I will create and hold the space for you, working to heal blockages and connect with your soul’s energy. We then co-create an exploration of insights and translate guidance into meaning and manifestation.

Healing Session
(60 min)

Refreshing, healing, raising high energy vibrations. Full treatment, crystal work, blended energy work modalities, and intuitive channeling, with extra attention given to any problem areas or specified intentions. Integrative meaning and guidance from direct channeling. Recommended if you are more focused on healing and deeper understanding.

Distance Healing
(60 min)

Distance Healing can still do wonders from afar. If you cannot meet for an in person appointment, we can schedule a remote session. Focused on your energy at a distance, I will transmit from my space to yours with my healing toolkit, connecting and channeling with your spirit. Further meaning, guidance and integration will be discussed by phone.

Mini Healing Sessions

Mini Sessions are great for tune-ups, quick-checks and energy clearing. These sessions provide just the right amount of time for me to assess your chakras and clear blockages. A longer session is needed if you are interested in deeper exploration or co-creative guidance beyond the energy work.

Mini Session
(30 min)

Mini treatment, crystal work, blended healing modalities, including Reiki among others, with intuitive channeling, focusing on cleansing any blocked chakras. Ideal for a quick resolution or an energy tune-up. Relaxing and uplifting.

Distance Tune Up
(30 min)

Energy Healing can still do wonders from a distance. A distance tune up is a remote scan of your chakras and overall energy, to clear blocks between sessions, align what’s out of balance, or provide context to know if deeper work is needed. I transmit from my space to yours with my healing toolkit, connecting with your soul energy and clearing blockages as I find them. We set up a time, I will need a photo, and will let you know when the healing is done. Tune ups do not include follow-up or guidance sessions.

Cosmic Packages

Packages are recommended for more dedicated inner exploration. If you would prefer continued wellness maintenance, having a package of sessions allows for the space and continuity to do the work, explore further and then tune up. Spiritual Seekers may also broaden intuitive horizons, or focus further on energy development and guided Self-development. We co-creatively curate the packages to manifest Intentions, using energy healing and intuitive guidance to explore and examine your path more extensively.

Expansion Package

Two 60 minute Healing sessions and two 30 minute distance tune ups. If you are looking for deeper wellness maintenance, an Expansion Package extends an initial session with a second healing and follow-ups. Great for additional context and continuity to reinforce healing.

Awakening Package

Four 60 minute Healing sessions, three 30 minute distance tune ups and one remote 60 minute co-creative conference. This is designed for individuals being drawn to open their soul energy or those continuing on the spiritual path. Our first session will open the door to the 3 areas of examination – mind, body, and soul. Subsequent sessions will more deeply explore meaning and integration in the areas that need the most focus. This series of sessions allows for the space to do the work, explore further and then reexamine. After the last full session, we will have a post-mortem sense-making and guidance call to tie everything together. Tune ups act as boosters to clear blockages and balance energy.

Synchronicity Package

Seven 60 minute Healing sessions, four 30 minute distance tune ups, and two remote 60 minute co-creative conferences. Includes resources for personal exploration. This package is for those who have been on the path and require dedicated space to hone in the focus so they can begin to lean further into the work and potentially prepare to work with others. The work will begin with clearing energy blockages to tune and align with higher self and purpose/mission. Mid-way, we will have a co-creative Guidance call to bring clarity to the insights and set intentions for the second half of the sessions. After the last full session, we will have a post-mortem sense-making and guidance call to tie everything together. Tune ups will act as follow-up boosters to clear blocks and balance energy. Offers the full scope of healing and guidance to support your journey to Cosmic Consciousness.


Healing or intuitive channeling is the practice of connecting to your spiritual energy, removing blockages, and transmuting negativity into light.

Each session can be focused on a specific area, and will generally include a personalized blend of these Intentions:

Energy Healing

Restore Vitality and Clear Energy Blockages across Mind, Body & Soul.

Intuitive Guidance

Metaphysical Exploration and Insights for Understanding of Universal Self.

Spiritual Awakening

Healing and Alignment for Seekers journeying along the Spiritual Path.